Monday, September 15, 2014


Bored, bored, bored..... I'm falling asleep as I type this. I don't know if it's just the mood I'm in or what. I'm not excited about anything. I can't even find any music that pleases me. Even stuff I used to like. And without music.... I have no life, really. Maybe this is a good thing, telling me it's time to stop depending on external things in order to feel good.

What makes me mad is that I paid a lot of money for these cd's and now they're worthless. The shipping alone is outrageous. This is why people download music, because there's so much overpriced crap out there. I know they have 30-second song previews, but I need to hear the whole thing in order to really appreciate it. And with these independent artists you usually don't get previews.

Oh well. First world problems. Lesson learned.

I didn't sleep last night. On purpose. I didn't want to waste the time I have to myself. During the day I have to take care of my mother and I don't really get a break.

Maybe I just need to lay off the music for a while. Maybe I just need time to sort things out and be productive.

I wish I still knew HTML and had photoshop . Then I could make a website.

Some good news: apparently Blu-BiLLioN is releasing a new single in November!

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